WEBOAF Origins

We started as a design company, but through trial and error we realized that deep tech startup growth requires a more holistic systems thinking approach. Ideas that spread, win.

I founded WEBOAF to offer my design expertise to visionary founders.

At the beginning I tirelessly sent outbound DMs until I found our first client, Brom Rector of Empath Ventures.  After our collaboration, Brom was featured in the Wall Street Journal. He made several key hires, invested in multiple startups and onboarded some serious LPs. I knew WEBOAF was on the right track. 

Since then we’ve worked with frontier tech startups featured in top media outlets, backed by top silicon valley investors with industry leading teams. I’ve met incredible frontier founders that have featured on my podcast, Brick By Brick.

Over time, I realised that deep tech founders face an uphill battle to commercialise their scientific discoveries.

So drawing on technical engineering background, consulting experience and passion for storytelling. I crafted a new approach for deep tech startups to punch above their weight. So founders can create a tribe that will lead to change. 

Welcome to WEBOAF.
